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Initiative Status Reports™

  • Tuition Based Pre-Schools — fee-based preschool programs at CPS schools.
  • High School Book Club — mayoral efforts to address adolescent literacy by offering high school students the time, choices, and support to become more accomplished readers.
  • Charter School Facilities — charter school operators' efforts to deal with challenging physical facilities, shared space, securing funding for continued growth, expansion, renovations, and facility upgrades.
  • Evening High Schools — CPS high schools with alternative, flexible schedules.
  • National Board Certification: A Chicago Initiative — implementation of national standards and certification for Chicago teachers.
  • Leadership Academy and Urban Network for Chicago — principal training and certification alternative for Chicago public schools.
  • Structured Curriculum — evaluates the level and quality of structured curriculum implementation in CPS schools and its impact on teacher creativity.
  • Teachers for Chicago — instructional and evaluative resource to explain, evaluate, and select alternative certification options for people changing careers into education field.
  • Transition Centers — alternative program for students not prepared to make the transition to main stream high schools.
  • Service Learning — evaluation of efforts to require high school students to complete forty hours of community service before graduation.
  • School Technology — findings revealed the need for uniform, city-wide teacher training to ensure computer usage is integrated into school curricula and for school improvement plans to include annual technology upgrades.
  • Summer Bridge — evaluates CPS efforts to deliver summer school programs systemwide.
  • Board-School Communication — findings reveals redundancies and communications breakdowns between CPS central office and its schools.
  • Small Schools — evaluation of characteristics, impact, and benefits of small schools and learning communities in Chicago public schools.
  • Parents as Teachers First — CPS efforts to encourage better parenting skills for low income families.
  • School Prototype Designs — use of prototype building designs to build new CPS schools.
  • Learning Disabilities: A Private Partnership — discusses the impact of outside contracted services on working with learning disabled children.
  • Year-Round Schools — assessment of the impact of year-round schools on teachers, students, and families.
  • Edge/Up: A school to Work Initiative — examines the impact of a school-to-work program in a city community.
  • High School Technology — evaluates the status of computer use in high schools.
  • Rush Neurobehavioral Center/Catholic School Partnership — examines a collaboration to pilot a program for the identification and instruction of students with learning disabilities.
  • Executive Function Skills — evaluates a learning management system to help children develop time management, organization, problem-solving, prioritizing, goal-setting skills.

Climate Analysis Surveys™

  • A Principal's Day — assesses the complex and changing realities of over 80% of CPS principals' time; explores the extent to which principals are able to devote time and attention to the implementation of the school vision, instructional leadership, and curriculum development.
  • Parent Involvement — evaluates parent involvement in 93% of Chicago public schools.

Other Projects

  • An Education Plan for Chicago Public Schools — CPS.
  • Small Schools, Next Steps: Voices from the Field — Business and Professional People for the Public Interest.
  • Student Mobility and Local School Improvement in Chicago — Howard University Quarterly Review.
  • Implementing the No Child Left Behind Act: A First Look Inside 15 School Districts — Center on Education Policy.