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Initiative Status Reports™

ISRs were created to take a fresh look at performance evaluation and ongoing organizational efforts to improve accountability/profitability, quality, and impact. ISRs offer timely and objective analysis of a particular, initiative, product, program, or policy. They answer the questions: What's happening today?

Most important, the status is assessed relative to the initiative's own goals. Using standard research methodologies, ISRs help fill the gap between journalistic reporting and long-term research. They provide a depth of analysis and quick turn-around time that make them useful tools in any accountability/profitability plan. The prompt feedback from each report can be used: by participants to make mid-course corrections and enhance effectiveness; by funding sources (investors) to assess how well their resources are being utilized; and by senior level managers to be kept apprised of ongoing progress.

Each ISR is clear, concise, and objective and adheres to a consistent format. A brief Introduction and Background provide overall context for the initiative being evaluated. Specific questions to be answered are laid out clearly. Each criterion for analysis, or Status Point, is addressed individually, while a separate category for General Status Points allows for inclusion of information outside the original scope of the evaluation. Important questions discovered during the course of the report which will be useful to making improvements are contained in the final section, For the Future.

The Initiative Status Report™ is an innovative short-term evaluation that provides unbiased research-based evaluations and can be turned around in as little as four weeks — a real advantage to organizations on the fast-track.

Evaluation/Performance Plans

Can your organization afford to be without an evaluation/performance plan?

Organizations are frequently so busy focused on delivery to their clients that performance evaluation takes a back seat. Organizations fall short when it comes to tracking and evaluating their work — exactly what they need to do in order to attract new clients and revenue sources and keep themselves in business.

Undertaking an analysis of assessment/accountability processes and tools helps effectively deliver the information the organization needs to have a greater impact. An annual evaluation/performance plan builds on what is already in place and creates a sophisticated system that fits within the organization's capacity to deliver and gives it the information to deliver.

Evaluation/performance plans give you what you need, in formats you want, to build your organization's efficiency and impact.